September 24, 2018

All welcome to our next meeting on Wednesday 26th September 7-9pm Les Cotils
You can view a PDF of the agenda by clicking here GDA members meeting agenda – Sept 2018

GDA members meeting agenda

Wednesday 26thSeptember 2018, 7-9pm
Les Cotils, Harry Bound Room
6.45pm     Welcome tea/coffee
Liz Dene will be available for support and advice about registering to vote/postal vote
7.00pm     GDA update from Karen Blanchford
Current projects and representations
Executive Board Update
AGM – November 6th7-9pm, Les Cotils
7.30pm    Liz Dene, Lead Referendum Officer presenting update on the Referendum
Liz will be available towards the end of the meeting for individual questions and assistance with registering to vote/postal vote if required.
7.45pm    Accessible Evening (Christmas shopping and lights), December 3rd5.30 – 7.30pm
                 Karen Blanchford
                        About the project
Purple Tuesday UK, November 13th
International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3rd
 8.00pm    Members ideas/suggestions – Karen Blanchford and Trudi Kent
                        See below
8.30pm    Any other business
                        Time for discussion/questions.
Liz Dene available for individual support
9.00pm    Close
Members ideas for Accessible evening, December 3rd
Prior to the meeting on September 26th, we would please like you/your members to think about what would make your experience of shopping/eating/visiting town a little easier and what would encourage you to visit town more.
We are looking at identifying some problem areas and ideas for solutions to overcome them.
Please consider all areas, for example:
Customer service e.g. what do staff need to know or do to make your experience easier?
Signage – in store and out and about
Environment inside e.g. lighting, noise, obstructions, space etc
Transport and parking
Physical access
We would really value your input as this will assist in informing training and awareness sessions that will be given to businesses and staff.
Please can you RSVP to Trudi Kent,, 07781 163967 if you are attending the evening
Thank you for your continued support

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